Eventi - 22 settembre 2023 › CORSI E CONGRESSI PATROCINATI AIRO

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Eventi - 22 settembre 2023 › CORSI E CONGRESSI PATROCINATI AIRO

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Convegno NSCLC State of the art and novel therapeutic approaches – Venezia 22 Settembre 2023

22 settembre 2023 @ 9:00 - 16:00
Ospedale SS Giovanni e Paolo Venezia, Sestiere Castello
Venezia, 30122 Italia
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Visualizza Programma CME accredited only for on site partecipants: Free registration here: www.events-communication.com/nsclc2023 To attend the event online and without CME accreditation, free registration here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82091881242

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