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Radiation therapy process widely uses anatomic imaging such as contrast-enhanced CT and MRI. However, in the clinical routine, diagnostic issues that cannot be sufficiently addressed by standard morphologic imaging arise. In particular, the delineation of viable tumor tissue can be challenging, especially in patients with previous treatments. In fact, the accuracy of target delineation in radiation treatment planning of cerebral gliomas is crucial to achieve high tumor control, while minimizing treatment-related toxicity. Moreover, treatment response assessment with conventional morphological imaging is partly unable to correctly differentiate early relapse from radiation induced changes or inflammation. Therefore, positron emission tomography (PET) imaging gains increasing clinical significance in the management of oncological patients undergoing radiotherapy, as PET allows the visualization and quantification of tumoral features on a molecular level beyond the mere morphological extent on conventional imaging, such as tumor metabolism or receptor expression.
The aim of the present webinar is to evaluate and discuss present and future implementation of PET imaging for neuro-oncology RT planning.
Per iscriversi al webinar è necessario:
AIRO - Associazione Italiana di Radioterapia ed Oncologia Clinica
P. IVA: 02141941209 - C.F.: 97076350582
Sede Legale: Piazza della Repubblica 32, 20124 Milano
Telefono: 391 7930997 dal lunedì al venerdì 9.00-11.00 - 14.00-16.00 - 17.00-19.00
E-mail: segreteria@radioterapiaitalia.it
PEC: segreteriaradioterapiaitalia@pec.it
Copyright © 2025 AIRO - Associazione Italiana di Radioterapia ed Oncologia Clinica